What We Believe
We are united in our belief in a Power greater than ourselves.
We start with the simple idea that God, known by many different names in many different traditions, is a force for good — not only in the world, but also within each of us. We believe that this invisible force governs everything in the universe. Through spiritual practice, each of us seeks to discover our immediate relationship to this Power, and to partner with it to create positive change in our life.
For us, faith isn’t a single revelation given to a chosen people. It’s a correlation of the most empowering and Universal Truths found in religious texts from around the world, and in the discoveries of science.
Ultimately, we believe in the Good — in the universe, in each other and in ourselves.
We are a welcoming spiritual community serving as a force for good in the World.
We teach universal spiritual principles that inspire and empower.
Centers for Spiritual Living Global Vision
We see a world that works for everyone.
Where all life is honored as expressions of the Divine
Where people live according to spiritual truth
Where humanity awakens to spiritual magnificence
Where humanity rediscovers personal creative power
Where we live as one global family
Where kinship with all life prospers
Where unity and connection is emphasized
Where forgiveness is the norm
Where spiritual guidance is valued
Where we are called to conscious social action
Where people have enough food, homes and a sense of belonging
Where there is peace, harmony, and justice for all.
Where resources are valued, cared for, and shared
Where communities are meaningfully involved in service to the world
Where there is a renewed emphasis on beauty, nature, creativity, art, and aesthetics
The Practice of Affirmative Prayer
What is Affirmative Prayer?
Affirmative prayer is a powerful process that helps us align our thoughts and feelings so we are open to the Good that is already present in our life — in the form of love, harmony, peace, wellness, abundance and prosperity. The concept of affirmative prayer lies at the heart of what we teach in many of our classes, and you’ll hear about it often in our services.
If you need support, our many Licensed Spiritual Practitioners, called Prayer Practitioners, are always available to you. Practitioners use affirmative prayer and spiritual coaching to support people through any life situation or challenge, helping individuals connect to the power, presence and good within each of us.
To learn more or meet with a Practitioner after Sunday services or in a private consultation, visit the Prayer Support page or contact a Practitioner directly. You may also submit your request for prayer to the Prayer Request Line 206-524-7729 or email PrayerRequest@SpiritualLiving.org.
Stewarding our Community
Our Board of Trustees
Center for Spiritual Living’s Board of Trustees is dedicated to stewarding the Center. Along with CSL staff, not only do they take responsibility for the Center’s fiscal health, but for the continued growth and evolution of our Community. In alignment with the our mission, vision, and values described above, the Board of Trustees approved the adoption of our Strategic Plan in August 2018. In partnership with leadership and staff, the Board provides governance over implementation of Strategic Plan initiatives and committees, including Growing our Congregation, Improving Our Education, Enhancing Our Community, Diversity Equity and Belonging and Holding Ourselves Accountable.
As we continue to focus on these areas of greatest impact, there are a myriad of opportunities for involvement. If you are interested in actively participating in the stewardship of our community, you can submit comments, questions, or participate in a committee by emailing the Board at Board@spirituallivng.org.
Board of Trustees meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month and guests are welcome to attend. For a copy of the Center for Spiritual Living Bylaws, click here. To obtain copies of the Board meeting minutes, email Board@spiritualliving.org.