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Core Practical Spirituality

Our Core Spirituality Classes explore essential spiritual principles and practices you can apply day-in and day-out to create the life you desire. These classes also dive into the core tenants of Science of Mind and includes the introductory courses that begin the path to CSL membership, and beyond to Licensed Prayer Practitioner Training.


Are you new to Center for Spiritual Living? Would you like to know the three mystical secrets that are taught in various religions across the globe? In this free workshop taught by Rev. Karen Cleveland, you’ll be introduced to three spiritual truths at the core of our teachings and take the first steps to create the life you desire. This is a great time to get to know other newcomers and discuss what these spiritual principles mean to you.

Three Keys to Spiritual Living is offered the 3rd Sunday of every month in person and over Zoom.


Practical Spirituality for a Modern Life

Are you ready to embrace your personal power and live with more freedom and authenticity? Would you like to break free of any self-imposed limitations and step into your birthright of a life filled with more creativity, security, peace, joy, love, serenity, abundance, and wholeness? 
Beyond Limits will provide you the spiritual tools and practices to transform your life into one of authenticity, power, and presence. In this two-part class you will use dialog, spiritual practice, introspection, readings, group activities, and support from others on the path to develop a new concept of yourself so that you can take ownership of and reclaim your innate power.
Each interactive class is 90 minutes long with an additional 30 minutes for small group empowerment circles.

This class is a prerequisite for other Core CSL classes.




Prayer and Meditation

Being in daily connection with Spirit creates an inward strength that can help you live with more Ease, Peace, Grace and Love. This class is your laboratory for testing different types of meditation and learning tools to discover and create your preferred daily spiritual practice. You’ll also build on the Affirmative Prayer skills learned in Beyond Limits by doing spiritual mind treatments for yourself and others.



The Sacred Art of Living Well

Now is the time to harness the power of your dreams and aspirations, and live the life you have only dared imagine. By teaching the use of introspection, inspiration, and empowerment, this course will help you seize the opportunities that your life offers.

Embark on a journey of spiritual mastery, exploring what it takes to make work a prayer, life a song, living an art, and believing an act. Newly redesigned, with experiential curriculum and an accessible 8-week series, each class will include lecture, journaling and introspection, and deep inquiry with instructor and fellow participants.




Leap into a state of true potential by activating the powerful Law of Mental Equivalents. For every formed thing in the Universe there is a corresponding mental image. The Law of Mental Equivalents is like a magnet that draws the exact thing you have deeply lodged in your subconscious mind to you. It never stops working. Learn how to have it work for you!  In this course, discover how to change the trajectory of your own experience through imagery, embodiment, and expansive thinking so you can experience your deepest desires.



Revealing Wholeness is about expanding our understanding of Spiritual Principles and then applying them to our well-being. We’ll do this by exploring the interrelationship between Spirit, Mind, and Body. In this class we will bring Spiritual Principles together with the principles of medicine and science to see how they relate to each other, and how we can use all three to support a thriving life.
Together we will create a space where we can explore our concepts of Oneness, our beliefs about health, and then apply our new understandings to our lives.


Have you ever wondered where the great ideas and tools that we teach at CSL came from?  This class will answer that question, explaining the spiritual shifts that converged to become the New Thought movement. These spiritual understandings are actually older than recorded human history and are found throughout the mystical traditions of world spirituality. They were re-discovered in the 19th century by some brave and brilliant spiritual pioneers whose works we will explore. Rev. Debora will explain these big ideas so they are easier to understand than trying to read these works on your own. Come to enjoy the lively discussions and leave with a deeper understanding of the ideas and practices that change your life for the better!
Over this 8-week course you will gain insight into the meaning of Life itself through the work of three mystical mental scientists, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Judge Thomas Troward, and Emma Curtis Hopkins. Some take-aways from the class include:
  • Experience the Divine Spark within each of us who we can communicate with, without any intermediary such as a church or its doctrine. (Emerson)
  • Explore the relationship of the mind to the body and its healing. (Troward)
  • Tap into the latent power of your mind to find the mystical energy within it to transform ourselves, our lives, and the world itself for the better, and fill our hearts with joy. (Hopkins)



What if you could be counseled by one of the most brilliant New Thought Leaders of our time? Would you like to experience greater creativity, healing, improved relationships, or explore your destiny? Through this class you’ll have the opportunity to examine relevant ideas and uncover ways to make the power of our Science of Mind teaching come alive in your life. It’s a class rich with discussion, creative expression, and is sure to bring new insights into your life.

This 8-week course taught by Rev. Abigail delves into the works of Rev. Dr. Ernest Holmes, an internationally renowned teacher of religious psychology, a beloved scholar, mystic, and prolific author. With guidance from his writing, you’ll discover how to see past your problems and walk into the heart of your eternal being. You’ll feast on Dr. Holmes’ quiet, devotional writings, as well as his impassioned teaching for future leaders. You’ll explore modern psychology and metaphysics and discover your own limitless ability to choose what to think and feel, and therefore, how to make effective changes in your life.



Stories from the Bible are part of our culture, whether you were raised in a Judeo-Christian home or not. Most of us have heard at least one interpretation or another of the stories of Genesis, Noah’s Ark, or the Tower of Babel.

Have you ever wondered how to interpret this text, held sacred to so many, and use its powerful stories in your spiritual life?

In this engaging and interactive course, Dr. Will Coleman will offer a metaphysical overview to the bible. You will be guided through a dynamic exploration of teachings and exercises that will unlock doors to the writings of both Ernest Holmes and Charles Fillmore. Working with themes of Science of Mind, meditation, African/Americas spiritualities, mysticism, Kabbalah, the Kybalion, Master Key System, Rosicrucianism, theosophy, and more, as well as an introduction to biblical Hebrew, Greek and Vulgate Latin that are the primary languages and thought forms of the “metaphysical” transmission and interpretation of the bible, together we will reveal hidden truths in the Bible, its historical context, and deeper meaning.

You will walk away from this course with a deeper knowledge as well as powerful spiritual tools and their practical applications to use this Ancient Wisdom and New Thought in your life.



What unconscious convictions and attitudes do you have about money? Could some of these thoughts be blocking the way to your ultimate prosperity? If so, it’s time to set yourself free and let Spirit lead the way! In this class, you’ll learn how to recognize and overcome the beliefs that are holding you back, in order to create a personalized spiritual practice that works with Spirit to boost your financial future.



Understanding the Power of Spiritual Mind Treatment

Would you like to become more aware of infinite possibilities for your own happiness and creative expression? Would you like to benefit yourself and others with one of our favorite spiritual tools: affirmative prayer (AKA spiritual mind treatment)? Did you know that prosperity is a pattern and one that can be changed for the better? Would you like to eliminate your own mental blocks, enter into the flow of Divine Creativity, and direct consciousness into satisfying life experiences?

You will learn all this and more, in Treat Yourself to Life! This class combines lecture and workshops and has a great combination of home study, growth assignments, as well as prayer partner and class workshop activity. You’ll leave having changed fear to faith and knowing you now can treat yourself to greater life.




What if the path to your most fulfilling life has already been written by the universe, and all you needed to do was accept it?

This class is for anyone dissatisfied with modern goal-setting which leads to so many of us waking up one day wondering what on earth happened to our life. This happens because we often set goals not on what our soul wants us to do, but what society wants us to do. Forget society. Listen to your soul.

This program teaches you how to manifest your soul’s deepest longings and offers weekly opportunities for visioning at different levels – from the individual, to the community, to the global.



Living your best possible life takes practice, practice, practice. Discover proven practices that bring spiritual principle into action, allowing you to manifest a desired goal or intention. Through this 5-week course, explore spiritual practices and their methods that you can begin using NOW.

In this foundational course you’ll identify your personal Life Principle, set a desired intention or goal, and practice different spiritual methods for manifesting the life you desire. You will begin to see results and changes in your life!

This class, or Beyond Limits, is a prerequisite for other Core CSL classes.