Stories from the Bible are part of our culture, whether you were raised in a Judeo-Christian home or not. Most of us have heard at least one interpretation or another of the stories of Genesis, Noah’s Ark, or the Tower of Babel.
Have you ever wondered how to interpret this text, held sacred to so many, and use its powerful stories in your spiritual life?
In this engaging and interactive course, Dr. Will Coleman will offer a metaphysical overview to the bible. You will be guided through a dynamic exploration of teachings and exercises that will unlock doors to the writings of both Ernest Holmes and Charles Fillmore. Working with themes of Science of Mind, meditation, African/Americas spiritualities, mysticism, Kabbalah, the Kybalion, Master Key System, Rosicrucianism, theosophy, and more, as well as an introduction to biblical Hebrew, Greek and Vulgate Latin that are the primary languages and thought forms of the “metaphysical” transmission and interpretation of the bible, together we will reveal hidden truths in the Bible, its historical context, and deeper meaning.
You will walk away from this course with a deeper knowledge as well as powerful spiritual tools and their practical applications to use this Ancient Wisdom and New Thought in your life.